Calls it 'feed the weeds program'
To The Editor,
Just before November’s election, a dog-and-pony show was held to illustrate how our “leaders” intend to deal with crime in Lehigh. I call it the “feed the weeds program” – weeds being an unwanted commodity.
The audience consisted of those of us who pay the bills in this community; no one from the ‘targeted’ crime area attended.
Their plan is (quote), “we need to: *tend to their socio-economic priorities and once the initial target area is under control we will be ready when crime expands to new areas, *give them opportunities to better themselves, *bring their kids to a better place, *and bring beautification to the area.”
While all of these weeding methods sound warm and fuzzy they are tried- and-true failures; they don’t work.
Proof of this fact is verified in considering the prevailing conditions in the tens of thousands of other communities across the nation that has tried these methods. All these communities have been taken over by the weeds, are dangerous and costly to maintain.
Crime breeds in low-income, multiple-dwelling, government-assistance housing areas. Is this fact disputable?
Empirically, when a weed problem is identified it should be isolated in the attempt to keep it from spreading. It should be confined, not nurtured.
But, what do we do? We nurture and spread it by providing more weed-type environments and more importantly we allow the school board to spread the infestation via cross-district bussing.
Think about it: crime-wise kids from high crime areas are bussed to schools in neighborhoods that are ripe for infection. These kids infest other kids with drugs, weapons, violence, AIDs, HIV, and disruption. Are these facts disputable?
I attended that meeting and had my hand up for about 20 minutes but they refused to allow me to speak.
The fact remains that none of our “leaders” intend to do anything significant about crime and worse yet, each of them stood up at that meeting and flat-out lied to us. Crime is job security for each of them.
Keith Kaye
Lehigh Acres