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Credit taken for Shelor’s defeat

By Staff | Nov 25, 2008

To The Editor

A quote from The Citizen – The only ad that appeared was in an advertising paper circulated in Lehigh a few days before the Nov. 4 election. But as Early Voting was going on, Welch said he was not calling anyone and nobody has campaigned for him.

The advertising was taken out by Citizens Against Increased Taxes (CAIT)

A CAIT calling and email tree (the same system that was used against the incorporation scam) was put into action before absentee and early voting, tying incumbent Damon Shelor to raising East County Water Control District taxes and a supporter of Rick Anglickis. The call was to vote for Welch to see if calling for a vote against a bad candidate such as Shelor would be successful. And it was. Welch was not fully aware of CAIT’S endeavor until the advertisement came out the Thursday before election day.

Frank Lohlein

Lehigh Acres