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Wants to vote on LCEC electric hike

By Staff | Dec 24, 2008

To The Editor,

Imagine owning a business where your comments or concerns are not even considered with the daily operation of your own company. This is what is going on with LCEC electric. It is not a secret that I have not had the greatest experience with LCEC, but there has been some silver lining to the dark gloomy cloud called LCEC.

Earlier this year, I wrote a letter about the service that I have been receiving with LCEC. Just a reminder if you forgot, while living in Lehigh Acres I always experienced outages with my electric. Even in calm weather, my power would cut out and come back on at least 10 times a week. I was angry because my service was horrible, but LCEC

wanted to request an additional deposit. Long story short I had to get loud and finally the issue was resolved. The good news is I relocated to a new home, and the outages have stopped. Even when hurricane Fay struck I lost power for a brief time during the entire storm. I do applaud LCEC for that.

The real problem with LCEC is how the business is operated.

I received a newsletter in my bill this past monday that spoke about an increase to our electric bill effective January 1, 2009.

The article stated “As a result of the power supply cost increase, the LCEC board of trustees has approved an increase in the PCA (Power cost adjustment), effective January 1, 2009. The PCA will increase 3.8 percent, which translates to a monthly increase of $4.20 per 1,000 KWH.

Now I understand LCEC buys their electric from FPL. If you go online to www.lcec.net and click on news at the top of the page, you will see a list of dates. Then click on the date of November 25, 2008. As you read this article you will realize that it is a carbon copy of the article you received in the newsletter, except one interesting note.

The bottom of the article shows three other electric companies and their new rates compared to LCEC's. The last comparison is FPL rates which states the following:

• Florida Power and Light: Based on proposed new fuel charges, the total monthly electric bill for residential customers using 1,200 kWh will change from the current charge of $132.56 to $131.14.

Hey look FPL rates decreased $1.42, while LCEC rates increased by $5.04. Does anyone else see something wrong here, or is this a simple typo. I will give LCEC the benefit of the doubt and switch the numbers around showing an increase, which would be $1.42.

So why the huge increase on LCEC's electric.

As a customer of LCEC, I am always referred to as “
a member” or “owner in the company.” If this is the case, I feel that all “members or owners” should have the opportunity to vote on such a power increase. It really would be simple, simply place a ballot in every electric bill sent out to homes, and tally the numbers when they come back in with their payments. Very similar to the ballots for trustees.

As an owner or member, I feel that I should have a say so on issues that affect my wallet.

Right now, our country is experiencing an economy that has basically collapsed. Unemployment is at a record high, stock market has hit an all time low, jobs are impossible to find, and peoples pay checks are less. Although, LCEC trustees vote to raise the cost of electric to their so called members or owners who are struggling to survive in today’s economic disaster.

Ladies and gentlemen, are people on the board making good decisions?

I would like to take a look at the staffing levels within LCEC. Is there positions that could be eliminated? Are there costs that could be cut back? Will there be an employee Christmas party, if so why? Let’s cut back on LCEC employee benefits.

I know, as a member or owner of LCEC, I vote to reduce the CEO's salary to help cut expenses. There are actions that can be taken to avoid passing on any additional expense to LCEC owners or members.

In summary, LCEC electric needs to let their “
owners” or “members” vote on issues that affect their wallets. Lets look at other expenses that could be cut and leave the so called “owners” or “members” of LCEC alone.

If you agree, then please contact LCEC and tell them that your voice should count. There contact info is (239) 239-995-2121 or 1-800-282-1643.

Jason Barrett

Lehigh Acres