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350 turn out to celebrate Christmas

By Staff | Dec 26, 2008


It was the Evangelical Ministerial Alliance’s first public event in Lehigh since it was formed a few months ago. It was a Community Christmas Celebration and 350 and possibly more people turned out for the Christmas Carol Sing and Readings by area ministers on the lawn of the Christ United Methodist Church on Wednesday, night Dec. 17.

Most visitors brought lawn chairs to sit on the vast lawn of the church on the corner of Lee Blvd. and Homestead Rd. Those who attended represented all age groups and races in Lehigh. Spotlights were used to illuminate the church and the front steps where various ministers offered readings related to Christmas.

One of the highlights of evening was the singing of “O Holy Night” by Susan Hamilton of the Seventh Day Adventist Church and Pastor David Soden of Richmond Avenue Baptist Church. The crowd reacted with a thundering applause.

Their voices could be heard along the two roadways and motorists passing by, many with windows down because the comfortable temperatures, could hear the talented voices of the pair.

After the program the crowd was treated to tables of homemade cookies and hot coffee, supplied by the members of the participating churches of the Evangelical Ministerial Alliance, becoming known in Lehigh as EMA.

Don Rock, the chaplain of Lehigh Regional Medical Center, was one of visitors and he said his heart was overjoyed.

It’s a wonderful thing to see in Lehigh. This many people and the new ministerial association putting something together like this. It’s a blessing for Lehigh,” Rock said.

The program began with Michael Porzio, vice president of EMA and pastor of New Image Ministry. He announced the new ministerial alliance and welcomed the guests. The words of some of the world’s most beloved Christmas carols were illuminated on a king-size screen in front of the church, big enough to see all over the big front lawn. Between singing of the carols, others spoke to the group including Carlos Otero, treasurer of EMA and pastor of the hosting Christ United Methodist Church.

Others who spoke included Phil Phillips, pastor of Agape Fellowship, Newton Hoilette, pastor of the Seventh Day Adventist Church and David Soden, president of EAM and pastor or Richmond Avenue Baptist Church.

Later Soden said EAM was very pleased to see the big turnout.

This has been a wonderful thing for Lehigh,” he said.

Participating churches and pastors of the Evangelical Ministerial Alliance included:

Agape Fellowship, Pastor M, “
Phil” Phillips; Beautiful Savior Lutheran, Pastor Aj Neugebauer; Christ United Methodist, Pastor Carlos Otero; Church of the Nazarene, Pastor Steve Cecil; Lehigh Acres Christian, Pastor Steve Kelly; Metro Christian Fellowship, Pastor Kenneth Wright; Metro Christian Fellowship, Minister Pauline Anderson; New Image Ministries, Pastor Michael Porzio; Richmond Avenue Baptist, Pastor David Soden; and Seventh Day Adventist, Pastor Newton Hoilette. Others who participated in the event through planning and other means were Bionie Christian Ministries, Henry Forschino; Lehigh Regional Medical Center, Chaplain Don Rock; Lehigh Regional Medical Center, Chris Rakunas; and Lee County Sheriff’s Department, Larry Gutridge.

Jesus is the reason for the season,” was the title of the program handed out to those who attended. Nearby facing Homestead Rd. was a lit Nativity display, showing Mary, Joseph and the Baby Jesus.

The Evangelical Ministerial Alliance has already begun preparing for the Easter holidays next spring when they will again present a community event. They meet in Lehigh monthly.