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Weed and Seed program for Lehigh Acres

By Staff | Jan 2, 2009

Welcome to the Lehigh Acres Weed and Seed website

Lehigh Acres residents are working with law enforcement and county officials to improve the quality of life in Lehigh Acres. We need your help.

The group is applying for a federal grant to develop and implement a Weed and Seed site designed to enhanced law enforcement efforts (Weeding) and provide additional social services and neighborhood revitalization (Seeding). Weed and Seed is community driven. As we develop this proposal, your input will be used as a blueprint for long-term community restoration.

Volunteers are needed for four working subcommittees:

Law Enforcement Subcommittee: This group is working to weed out crime and violence, particularly violent crime, gang activity, drug trafficking and drug-related crime. Its efforts are directed primarily at identifying, apprehending and prosecuting the most serious and visible criminals in what has been designated as a Wed and Seed area. Reducing both crime and citizen fear sets the stage for community revitalization.

Community Policing Subcommittee: This group assists law enforcement and serves as a bridge to the social service components of Weed and Seed. Its focus is community engagement and problem solving. Its goals are to increase a sense of community responsibility for solving crime problems, raising police visibility and developing cooperative relationships between deputies and residents.

Prevention, Intervention and Treatment Subcommittee: This group helps prevent crime and violence from recurring by concentrating a wide range of human services on the designated area to create an environment where crime cannot thrive. It is intended to create strong links between law enforcement, social service agencies, the private sector and the community as well as a designated Safe Haven for youth and families that provide a variety of services and supportive programs.

Neighborhood Restoration Subcommittee: This group focuses on improving and revitalizing the economic and social conditions of the designated Weed and Seed site. Its strategies focus on economic development, employment opportunities for residents and improvements to housing and the neighborhood.

To help, call Andrea Hall at 477-1485 or e-mail her at ahall@sheriffleefl.org

Additional Weed and Seed information

Weed and Seed Implementation Manual

The Weed and Seed Implementation Manual provides a complete look at the Weed and Seed strategy by detailing each element thoroughly.


The Weed and Seed Strategy

This 16-page booklet is an easy-to-read reference for anyone new to Weed and Seed, particularly new sites looking to promote local initiatives.
