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Take your meds; it’s cheaper in the long run

By Staff | Jan 20, 2009

With the nation’s current economic turmoil, policymakers, business owners, and individual citizens alike are looking for ways to reduce spending and stimulate the economy. One common sense strategy is tackling one of the biggest drains on our financial system: chronic illnesses.

A chronic illness is one that requires frequent treatment over a long period of time, like diabetes or heart disease. These kinds of illnesses aren’t just costly for patients – they’re also a serious drain on the economy. According to a recent study by the Milken Institute, an independent economic think tank, the United States spends more than a trillion dollars on chronic diseases each year.

Fortunately, many of the most costly chronic illnesses are preventable. Just look at strokes. In 2003, the medical journal Health Affairs found that anti-hypertensive medications taken properly can severely reduce the incidence of strokes and lower overall health care spending by more than $10 billion.

The same is true for diabetes. A 2005 study in the Journal of Medical Care found that for every $1 spent on diabetes medicines, $7.10 less is spent on other services.

In other words, improving the prevention and management of chronic conditions can yield substantial cost savings and enhance the quality of life for millions.

So where do we start? For one, individuals can live healthier lifestyles to prevent disease. The Milken Institute has reported that even a modest reduction in unhealthy behavior could prevent or delay 40 million cases of chronic illness per year.

Employers, too, have a big role to play. Since 2000, health insurance premiums for employer-sponsored family coverage have increased by 87 percent, mainly because of rising incidence of chronic diseases. So encouraging employees to live healthier is enlightened self-interest for most businesses.

By providing discounts on gym memberships, offering comprehensive wellness programs, and encouraging employees to take advantage of their health insurance by getting regular check-ups, employers can make sure their workers aren’t at risk for chronic diseases.

On top of that, those with existing illnesses can take steps to make sure they don’t get sicker. A recent study by the National Institutes of Health, for example, found that those with chronic kidney disease are at risk for developing cardiovascular disease. Fortunately, cardiovascular risk factors can be detected and treated early, long before they lead to more severe conditions.

Such steps can also have a massive impact on health care spending.

By simply taking pills as prescribed, for example, individuals can help America save more than $300 billion each year in avoidable medical expenses, according to the Johns Hopkins Center for Adherence.

As for the government, lawmakers should support efforts to prevent and treat chronic conditions. And they should institute policies that make it easier for patients to afford effective medicines. Of all the services typically covered by health insurance, prescriptions are the least insured, and account for an enormous share of out-of-pocket spending.

The economic downturn has left everyone worried about the future. Taking steps to avoid costly illnesses is an investment in long-term financial — and physical — health.

Karen Vicari is the executive director of the Alliance for Better Medicine.