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Three Lehigh-Alva teachers are finalists in Teacher of the Year Contest

By Staff | Jan 26, 2009

Three teachers in the Lehigh – Alva areas are finalists for this year’s Teacher of the Year Award. The announcement was made today by the School District of Lee County.

Those from the East Zone included:

Christopher Anderson, second grade teacher at Lehigh Elementary School

Terry Huge, a math teacher at Lehigh Senior High School

Neva Weisskopf, a seventh- and eighth-grade language arts and science teacher at Alva Middle School.

Also named from other areas of the county as finalists were:

Jeff Kulie, a language arts teacher at Cypress Lake Center for the Arts

Jane Nordquist, a math teacher at Ida S. Baker High School.

This year, 45 teachers were nominated representing all levels and subject areas. And as it is every year, narrowing down that list to the finalists was a very challenging and difficult process, officials with the Teacher of the Year Committee said.

The District’s Teacher of the Year will be announced during a special visit to his or her school, which is scheduled for approximately Friday, February 6. The winner will then be a nominee for the Florida Teacher of the Year.