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Property owners told to hook up to sewer lines

By Staff | Jan 27, 2009

The list of address of homes in Lehigh that will be required to hook up to sewer lines has been released and is attached to this story as a pdf. Look to the left of this page and click on the pdf.

State law requires that if a sewer line runs down your street, then FGUA, the local water and sewer utility, can require you to hook up to the line. In the past, FGUA has not enforced the policy. Some of the houses may be new ones and the county may have given permits for septic systems. Others are older homes and have not hooked up to the system.

Owners are being notified that they must hook up to the sewer line in letters send out last week.

The cost could run between $6,000 and $10,000, according to figures released in news accounts. In an earlier story, Barbara Kerby, a community relations spokeswoman with FGUA, told The Citizen that the utility would work with customers by spreading out the cost over a few years.