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Sheriff announces budget cuts

By Staff | Jan 30, 2009

Editor’s Note: The following press release was given to the media today, Jan. 30. It was written and provided by the Lee County Sheriff’s Office.

In an unprecedented move, Lee County Sheriff Mike Scott has announced a current fiscal year budget cut. The Sheriff and his executive staff met with Lee County government officials this week as they began looking for ways to address economic challenges facing the county as a whole.

Total anticipated cost savings of more than $5,000,000 dollars have been outlined (see list below).

The Sheriff notified employees of the plans in e-mails distributed yesterday. He said, “As you are all very well aware, examples of economic decline across our nation abound and the most recent string of major corporations to initiate layoffs is punctuating the problem.

In the interest of brevity suffice it to say that the funding source for our agency (Lee County’s General Revenue) is experiencing a tremendous strain. I realize that everyone in the public and private sector is being forced to make adjustments, and we need to be proactive in these trying times.”

The Sheriff’s revision to the budget cites a welcome decrease in the average daily inmate population accounting for a reduction in associated health and food costs, as well as the number of Correctional Deputies needed for the safe and secure operation at multiple jail facilities.

In looking at ways to operate as lean as possible

yet maintain the most basic core levels of service a difficult decision to eliminate programs such as DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) have been made.

The reallocation of certified and civilian personnel associated will provide an alternative to hiring from outside the agency to fill corrections, law enforcement, court operations and civilian support position.

Other streamlining efforts are being examined to include expanding the ARO (Alternate Response Officer) service to free up deputies on patrol.

“No doubt the most regrettable change is the DARE program,” said Sheriff Scott, “especially in light of how hard we worked to keep it at the outset of the budget year.

“We remain committed to work closely with school officials to educate our youth on the dangers and consequences of illegal drug use, while encouraging student self-esteem.”

The cost cutting measures are outlined as follows:

Inmate Medical:$3,000,000.00

Inmate Food: $78,000

Corrections Officers (30 positions): $1,900,000.00 Accreditation/Inspections: $185,463.00

Dare (five positions): $220,000.

Training (Out of Town Training/Travel): $282,000.

Total: $5,665,463.00

The Sheriff said he and staff will continue to look at the restructuring of resources with a philosophy of “measure twice and cut once.”