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Barrett changes mind with board support

By Staff | Feb 3, 2009

To the Editor,

Here’s an except from a Letter to the Editor to The Lehigh Acres Citizen from Desmond Barrett, vice chairman of the East County Water Control District

(ECWCD) Board of Supervisors, just a few weeks ago:

“As the vice chairman of the district I am to assume the leadership chair at the next scheduled meeting on January 26. In light of the wasteful spending

practices of the majority of the district board, I will not accept the position of chairman of the District for the incoming board. I will not be party as leader of a board that has accepted the notion of perception over reality.

They were his words.

So what did the ECWCD Board of Supervisors do at their Jan. 26 meeting?

Supervisors Neal Horrom, John Boardman and Nate Stout supported Barrett for chairman and this latest joke just adds to the demise of the water board. Also, how about the three banks turning down their loan requests as being too risky.

Frank Lohlein

Lehigh Acres