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March Programs at East County Regional Library

By Staff | Feb 17, 2009

Next month’s roster of activities at East County Regional Library offers topics for all ages. The following activities are free to the public:


Book Discussion: Ian McEwan’s “Atonement”

3:30 p.m. Monday, March 2

Read “Atonement” by Ian McEwan, and discuss it with fellow community members! The East County Book Discussion Group is open to all. Registration required.

English Caf

10 a.m. Tuesdays, March 3, 10, 17

Practice your English in this free informal conversation session for adult ESOL and ESL students. Each 90-minute session provides adult learners a chance to practice speaking English on a variety of everyday situations.

The Great American Songbook

7 p.m. Thursday, March 5

Sonny & Perley return to perform the timeless standards of the Great American Songbook, including Berlin, Gershwin and Porter as well as the irresistible Brazilian melodies of Antonio Carlos Jobim. Don’t miss this musical extravaganza! Sponsored by Friends of East County Library.

Book Discussion: Tracy Brown’s “Twisted”

7 p.m. Tuesday, March 10

Celeste Styles is starting over. After losing her cherished salon in a suspicious fire, she has finally ended her adulterous relationship with Rah-Lo and left her drama-filled life in Brooklyn for the peace and tranquility of Atlanta, Georgia. But when Rah-Lo heads down south after deciding to leave his wife, Asia, Celeste is floored and isn’t quite sure if she wants to rekindle their affair. Meanwhile, Asia is determined get revenge and she too heads to Atlanta. Just on her heels is Ishmael Wright, ready to save the day and to warn his best friend about his vengeful wife, though Ishmael also has something else up his sleeve.

Chess Anyone?

7 p.m. Tuesday, March 17

Rise to the chess challenge and join the fun. Everyone is welcome. Bring a personal chess set, if preferred. Sponsored by the Friends of the East County Regional Library. Registration requested.


Baby-Parent Rhyme Time

10 a.m. Monday, March 9

Be prepared to tickle, jump and fly with your baby! These rhymes and songs are for infants, up to 24 months, accompanied by an adult. This 20-minute program is filled with songs designed to introduce rhyming and movement to infants. Registration is required.

Family Storytime

7 p.m. Tuesdays, March 24, 31

This program is for the whole family and lasts about 30 minutes. Registration is required.

Toddler Storytime

10 a.m. Wednesday, March 25

10 a.m. Thursday, March 26

Children 2 years old and their caregivers participate in song, fingerplays and short stories. The success of this age group depends on adult participation and encouragement. Toddler storytime lasts approximately 30 minutes. Registration is required.


Kids Read Down Fines

2 p.m. Tuesday, March 3

4:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 25

Do you have library fines? Take care of them by reading! Children and teens can earn a $2 coupon for every 15 minutes of reading during the allotted time in the designated area of the library. Coupons may be applied to cards issued to patrons age 18 and under only. Registration required.

St. Patrick’s Day Fun

11 a.m. Saturday, March 14

Wear a wee bit ‘o green, a wee bit early, and join us to learn about St. Patrick and hear a story about a leprechaun. Enjoy Irish music and games and create your very own shamrock decoration just in time for St. Patrick’s Day!

Preschool Storytime

11 a.m. Wednesday, March 25

11 a.m. Thursday, March 26

Preschoolers (ages 3 to 5) attend this storytime independently while parents or caregivers wait nearby in the library building. This storytime includes activities that require more participation and a longer attention span. Each preschool storytime lasts about 30 minutes. Registration is required.

R.E.A.D. Program Reading to Dogs

11 a.m. Saturday, March 28

Independent readers can practice reading in a fun way! The Reading Education Assistance Dogs will be on hand to listen to you read. They’re great listeners! These pet pals are available to kids of all ages. First come, first served.

Stranger Danger & Gun Safety

Saturday, March 28

2 p.m. For ages 4-8

3 p.m. For ages 9-12

A deputy from the Lee County Sheriff’s Department will teach a class focusing on Stranger Danger and Gun Safety.


Teen Safety

4:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 3

A deputy from the Lee County Sheriff’s Department will teach a class focusing on safety for middle and high school students. Registration required.

Celebrate Teen Tech Week with Guitar Hero: World Tour!

4:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 10

Be the first to try our newest game at the East County Regional Library and celebrate Teen Tech Week! Online or in-person registration is required. Fire up the fretboard, crank up the amp and get ready to rock like never before. Guitar Hero: World Tour drops you into the spotlight of the largest and most legendary rock concert ever. Now drop that air guitar, tune your exclusive new Les Paul Guitar Controller and shred the night away. Sponsored by Friends of the East County Regional Library.

East County Anime Club

4:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 17

Join a group of teens with an interest in anime, manga and other aspects of Japanese culture. Snacks provided by the Friends of the East County Regional Library. Registration required.

Teen Advisory Group – T.A.G.

4:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 24

Get involved @ your library! Meet other teens and plan teen programs. Help select books, DVDs and music. Earn volunteer credit. Snacks provided by the Friends of the East County Regional Library. Registration required.

Creative Journaling for Teens!

4:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 31

Creative Journaling for Teens! Utilize art, poetry and writing to put your thoughts on paper. Materials provided. Registration required.

The East County Regional Library is located at 881 Gunnery Road in Lehigh Acres. For more information about a program or to register, please call the library at (239) 461-7300. A sign language interpreter is available with 48-hour notice. Call the Deaf Service Center at (239) 461-0334 (voice) or (239) 461-0438 (TTY). Assistive listening devices are available upon request.

Check the Lee County Library System’s Web site at www.lee-county.com/library, or pick up an events calendar on your next visit, to find out about programs at other locations. Call the host library, or Telephone Reference at (239) 479-INFO (4636), for more information about a specific program.