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Animal Services calls for pet food donations to keep pets in their homes

By Staff | Mar 6, 2009

Lee County Animal Services has a great need for cat food and cat litter to stock the agency’s Community Pet Pantry. Through the Community Pet Pantry Animal Services assists pet owners by distributing pet food and supplies to owners that would need to surrender their pets because of their inability to provide food and care for them, said Lee County Animal Services spokeswoman Ria Brown this weekend.

Pet owners who need help may contact Lee County Animal Services at 239-533-7387 (LEE-PETS) to be placed on an approved list to receive pet food, she said. A spay/neuter and vaccine program is also available. By offering these types of programs to the public it is Animal Services’ goal to reduce the number of owned pets relinquished to area shelters due to loss of employment or homes, Brown said.

Anyone who can help by donating pet food, especially cat food, cat litter, or other pet products may bring them to the shelter at 5600 Banner Drive, Fort Myers, next to the Lee County Sheriff’s Office off Six Mile Cypress Parkway. Donations may be left at the door any time the shelter is not open, Brown said.

For these programs to be effective, Animal Services depends on the community’s support in the form of food and supply donations as well as monetary contributions. All donations made to Lee County Animal Services go to the Animal Care Trust Fund.

Brown said funds in the Trust are restricted for the benefit of homeless, ill and injured pets, or to assist disadvantaged pet owners in Lee County. All donations are tax deductible, she said.

For more information contact the shelter at 239-533-7387 (LEE-PETS) or visit www.LeeLostPets.com.