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Lehigh firefighters battle 3-acre fire

By Staff | Mar 10, 2009

Lehigh Acres firefighters responded to a brush fire near 62nd St. W. and Queen Ave. N. at around 11:49 this morning (Tuesday, March 10). The fire was started by a lawnmower inside a trailer. The trailer ignited into flames and was destroyed, said Patrick Comer, a spokesman with the Lehigh Acres Fire Dept The fire from the trailer sparked the brush fire that threatened some homes in the area, he said.

“With the temperatures and winds picking up now this fire could have been a lot worse,” Comer said. “But our guys and the Division of Forestry jumped on this ASAP and kept if from getting out of hand.

“Although some homes were threatened, fortunately, no homes were damaged. The fire burned approximately three acres.

“We’re asking everyone to be very, very cautious right now,” Comer said.

Now that hot weather is back, the drought conditions pose a very real hazard. There is a lot of dry brush around from this winter’s cold snaps., he said.

While people have the chance they are encouraged to trim back bushes and trees, clean out gutters and roofs of leaves and pine needles and not throw any cigarette butts outside.