‘Sir Ted Kennedy’ legality questioned
To the Editor,
Sitting U.S. Senator Teddy Kennedy has accepted the title of “Sir” from the Queen of England; he now brandishes the title of Sir Edward Kennedy. That is un-Constitutional, is illegal as such and he should be immediately removed from office.
What is the basis for my statements? Read on.
The Constitution for the organic united States of America, Article I, Sec. 9, Clause 8, states, in part: “No Title of Nobility shall be granted … and no Person holding any office … shall … accept … any Title, of any kind … from any King, Prince, or foreign state.”
Quoting the same Constitution, Article VI, referred to as the “supremacy clause” as it states, in part: “The Constitution… shall be the supreme Law of the Land …”
In other words, NOTHING super-cedes the organic Constitution of this Land.
Why do I bother writing this at all? Because I have told you in the past that we no longer have governments, we have corporations posing as governments and this is another proof of that fact. Our governments are confined to the Uniform Commercial Code and have nothing to do with the supreme Law of the Land, the Constitution.
In fact, our last “president,” in a public speech, referred to the Constitution as, “a goddam piece of paper.”Our servicemen are dying to defend that “piece of paper” and he dishonored it.
Why has our system of rule gone from law to the rule of commerce? It is all about taxes folks, all taxes.
Every form of “government” we have is illegally extorting taxes from you and me and if they followed the Constitution that would all end. The power to tax is the power to rule. They intend to tax us out of our assets, our homes, and our country.
The lackeys we have in office should be tried for treason. Again I say to all, find any official out there that will openly and publicly debate me on these issues. Surely some of you must know of one of our glorious leaders that has the courage or the integrity to debate and defend the system that provides his public-swill?!
Keith Kaye
Lehigh Acres