Reader continues gripes against LAFD
To The Editor,
Fire Chief Don Adams has seen the light, no pun intended. He says we are in a money crunch so he says we must turn out the lights and lower the wattage on all the lights. Also, put the girls on a 10-hour day, four days a week so their offices can be shut to save money.
This sounds to me like a drop in the bucket and not a big drop. He said we may have to take a truck off the road because of lack of funding.
Commission Joel Guzman says he would hate to see this happen. But he collected $1,000 for not showing up at meetings in December and January.
He doesn’t show up for work but he expects to get paid.
What a great country now Chief. I will make the same offer to you again that I have made you for months. I will save the department $100,000 plus a year tomorrow by ridding the department of the costly public information officer you have. We need him like a hole in the head. What’s more important – a fire truck in service or a picture taker?
If you lay one fireman off for money woes and keep this waste of taxpayer money, I’ll pay for headlines in all the papers.
Get with the program Chief, you are one of the highest paid chiefs in the area. Maybe the unions are running the department and not you. Please prove me wrong. I don’t want to see one fireman laid off.
Whitely Doidge
Lehigh Acres