Ribbon cutting held at Your Neighborhood Shipping store

Ribbon cutting
The Lehigh Acres Chamber of Commerce hosted a ribbon cutting on March 5 for a new member, Your Neighborhood Shipping store, located on Homestead Rd. in the Winn-Dixie Plaza near Maria’s restaurant. Shown here during the ceremony are from left to right, Julie Camp, chairman of the Chamber’s Ambassador’s Committee; Tami Carr, of Florida Funding, a Chamber member; Neil Vaughan and his wife, Donna, owners; Joe Whalen, Chamber CEO; Cindy Dodd,Chamber director, and Robert Ellsworth, the Chamber’s membership recruiter. The new store opened in November and offers all types of services from copying, typing and shipping packages to selling stamps and lottery tickets. “Come here where you won’t have to stand in line at the post office,” the owners said. Photo by Mel Toadvine