Robinson takes Best-in-Show with his woodworking entry

All Winners: These are the blue ribbon winners of the several crafts categories at the Lehigh Spring Festival Monday night. They are from left to right, Henry Robinson, Frank Collison, Linda Washburn, Juliana Toyloy, Pat Barton, Jan Eash and Joyce Jepherson. The judges awarded the Best-In-Show ribbon to Robinson. Photos by Mel Toadvine
Henry Robinson of Lehigh Acres took the Best-in-Show purple ribbons Monday night with his winning woodwork in the Lehigh Acres Spring Festival’s first night of judging of crafts, including such items as sewing, needlework, woodworking and quilting.
More than 25 people entered their wares at the Activities Tent on Festival grounds when the sign-up began at 6 p.m. At 7 p.m., judges made their decisions after spending considerable time examining the entries in the different classes. Ribbons were handed out to first, second and third place winners. First place blue ribbon winners won small cash awards for their entries.
The final six blue ribbon winners selected by the judges were:
Henry Robinson, (woodworking); Frank Collison (stained glass); Linda Washburn (mosaic); Juliana Toyloy, (crochet); Pat Barton (quilting); Jan Eash (sewing); and Joyce Jepherson (pine needle craft).
The event took place in the new activities tent, not far from the grand stage.

Liz Eilf, chairman of the Crafts Show presents the Best-in-Show ribbon to Henry Robinson during the competition Monday night at the Lehigh Spring Festival.
Overall Best-in-Show winner Robinson said he had been carving for the past five years and his entry showed a log with two small animals peeking from inside. He said it was made from one piece of Camphor wood and it took him about 20 to 24 hours over a period of time to carve.
Liz Eilf, chairman of the contests presented the purple ribbon to Robinson while a large crowd looked on.
On Tuesday night, judging will commence for the Art Contest.
Judging for the Monday night competition included Audrey Hendry and Chris Nelson judging the sewing, needlework and crafts divisions. Hank Hendry and Robert Nelson were judges in the woodworking category.
Registration begins tonight (Tuesdday) at 6 p.m. for the Art Contest at the activities tent.
At 6:30 p.m., The Golden Road Southern Gospel Music show will be held and the Junior Spring Festival idol Contest begins at 7:45 p.m. the Senior Spring Festival Idol Contest begins at 8:45 p.m. and both Idol competitions continue all week with judges’ comments and a vote from the public.
The Festival Idol Contest is overseen by Vicki Culver.
The Modern Midway will be open Tuesday from 6 p.m. to 11 p.m. with pay one price and ride all night tickets.
- All Winners: These are the blue ribbon winners of the several crafts categories at the Lehigh Spring Festival Monday night. They are from left to right, Henry Robinson, Frank Collison, Linda Washburn, Juliana Toyloy, Pat Barton, Jan Eash and Joyce Jepherson. The judges awarded the Best-In-Show ribbon to Robinson. Photos by Mel Toadvine
- Liz Eilf, chairman of the Crafts Show presents the Best-in-Show ribbon to Henry Robinson during the competition Monday night at the Lehigh Spring Festival.