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Don’t count on stimulus money for Lehigh

By Staff | Mar 25, 2009

To The Editor,

The Lehigh Acres letter to President Obama was a glorious statement of expression.It thoroughly covered the concerns of all citizens of the area known as Lehigh Acres.

Let’s assume all $412.5 million will be allocated. Who do you think will receive this allocation? It won’t be the Lehigh Acres Chamber of Commerce, nor the Community Planning Corp., nor the Community Council, nor the Community Services, nor the Evangelical Ministerial Alliance.

It will be allocated to the same body of government that got the area of Lehigh Acres in the situation we find ourselves in now – the glorious body of our county commissioners.

You know, the ones that will cut funding for our schools, but still find money to build an $80 million baseball stadium.

Until we cut the”apron” strings from this body of government, and establish our own and become more than just an area known as Lehigh Acres, we will continue to be treated as a step-child by the Lee County government.

Amon Louis Kerns

Lehigh Acres