Send food, money to ‘Our Daily Bread’
To The Editor,
Recently in The Lehigh Acres Citizen there was an article on “Our Daily Bread,” the food kitchen located at the Christ United Methodist Church. Our Daily Bread provides a meal at the noon hour for those in need.
Many of the participants are elderly, homeless and families with children not in school.
The program has fallen to hard times and has to turn away individuals and cut the days of operations due to low funds and donations of food.
With the current economic times and the hardships that all of us are having, this is no time to lose the resources for food to those who have nothing. As a community we must pull together to keep our social services program going and keep the assistance to those who are less fortunate, available.
I hope that those that read this letter will send whatever they can to the church in Lehigh for the Our Daily Bread food program. Let’s not close the door on essential needs, such as food.
Lisa J. Goehle
Lehigh Acres