First Round of student assignments complete
Batch 1 assignment process recently wrapped up for the 2009/10 school year. Approximately 15,200 students participated in the student assignment lottery that was conducted last week.
Following a year of lower-than-expected student growth, more than 79 percent of students who applied between Jan. 26 and March 13 got their first choice of schools, while more than 95 percent received one of their top three choices, officials said. Last year, approximately 80 percent of applicants received their first choice and 93 percent received one of their top three after the first lottery was conducted. There were approximately 125 fewer applicants processed this year compared to 2008.
“I’m pleased that we could place that many in their first choice schools,” said Leila Muvdi, director of Student Assignment in a prepared statement. “Approximately 83 percent of the kindergarten, sixth- and ninth-graders received their first choice and more than 97 percent received one of their top three choices.”
Over the next several months, staff will process the eligibility pools as vacancies occur, and move many students into their first-choice schools. Traditionally, many students are well satisfied with their second or third choice when the school year begins, officials said. For 2008/09, after the eligibility pools were addressed, more than 92 percent of families received their first choice of school.
For Batch 1, approximately 89 percent of students applied for kindergarten, grade six and grade nine, where most vacancies occur each year. The remaining 11 percent of applicants were in grades where participation is voluntary and space is limited, except at new schools. Last year, 12 percent of applicants were in the voluntary grade levels.
“We will begin mailing notices to families staring April 3,” said Muvdi. “We want everyone to read the information they receive very carefully.”
Any student who did not receive their first choice is automatically placed in the eligibility pool for their first choice school. There is no need for parents to call requesting placement in an eligibility pool.
The second open-enrollment period for fall classes began Monday, March 16, and continues through Wednesday, June 10, the last day of the 2008/09 school year.
Parents who have questions about the student assignment program can call the Student Assignment Office at 239-337-8247.
Source: School District of Lee County