Democracy, the Truth
To The Editor,
When the founders established our republic only landowners were allowed to vote. The reason for this was the landowners were the only ones paying taxes.
The founders risked their lives and fortunes in this endeavor. They wanted to control government and the influence of the bankers.
Voting requirements were established.
Constitutionally, the government has no rights, only rules to follow. Only citizens have rights. The word “democracy” is not found in any of our Founding Documents.
Our nation has always assisted those in need. The control of that assistance was locally administered and there was no “free ride” for anyone.
The bankers, however, planned to circumvent the Constitution and they finally did. Now, instead of having a Republican-form of government under the Constitution, we have public-corporations masquerading as government in a democracy.
FDR introduced “democracy” around 1933.
LBJ’s Great Society, along with the Civil Rights Act, institutionalized “democracy and entitlements.” Voting requirements were abolished.
In a “democracy” the “entitled” generation- after-generation welfare community resembles a parasite, the taxpayer resembles a host and the parasite survives only as long as the host survives.
We have allowed “democracy” to infect our nation whereas entitled do-nothings vote benefits for themselves at the expense of others.
After 41 years of “entitlements” the growing numbers of entitlement-votes are challenging the number of taxpayer-votes; the taxpayers are dying, quickly. And, guess which voting group is most important to our politicians? Yep, you got it our public-servants cater to the do-nothings.
Millions of our kids in the military have been sacrificed in defense of a system of government that history has identified as a treasonous lie, “democracy.”
May God bless our souls for failing to protect the lives of our kids and the legacy of the founders in our duty to protect the republic they created.
Keith Kaye
Lehigh Acres
Democracy, the Truth
To The Editor,
When the founders established our republic only landowners were allowed to vote. The reason for this was the landowners were the only ones paying taxes.
The founders risked their lives and fortunes in this endeavor. They wanted to control government and the influence of the bankers.
Voting requirements were established.
Constitutionally, the government has no rights, only rules to follow. Only citizens have rights. The word “democracy” is not found in any of our Founding Documents.
Our nation has always assisted those in need. The control of that assistance was locally administered and there was no “free ride” for anyone.
The bankers, however, planned to circumvent the Constitution and they finally did. Now, instead of having a Republican-form of government under the Constitution, we have public-corporations masquerading as government in a democracy.
FDR introduced “democracy” around 1933.
LBJ’s Great Society, along with the Civil Rights Act, institutionalized “democracy and entitlements.” Voting requirements were abolished.
In a “democracy” the “entitled” generation- after-generation welfare community resembles a parasite, the taxpayer resembles a host and the parasite survives only as long as the host survives.
We have allowed “democracy” to infect our nation whereas entitled do-nothings vote benefits for themselves at the expense of others.
After 41 years of “entitlements” the growing numbers of entitlement-votes are challenging the number of taxpayer-votes; the taxpayers are dying, quickly. And, guess which voting group is most important to our politicians? Yep, you got it our public-servants cater to the do-nothings.
Millions of our kids in the military have been sacrificed in defense of a system of government that history has identified as a treasonous lie, “democracy.”
May God bless our souls for failing to protect the lives of our kids and the legacy of the founders in our duty to protect the republic they created.
Keith Kaye
Lehigh Acres