Rush Limbaugh – love him or hate him
To The Editor,
Those that listen to Rush Limbaugh, and there are millions, either love him or hate him.
Thereis no in-between.
When I first heard him on his radio show, my first impression was, here is a loud-mouth, self back patting, racial bigot. After months of listening to his show, I pretty much felt the same way.
But he is much more, he is a voice to reckon with. He is the smartest, most informed talk show entertainer in the world.
And entertainer is what he is.Every thing he does or says, is to further his spot as a top entertainer, and he does it better than any one.
Having said this, if you look past the smoke and the horn blowing, the song about Barney Frank, the banker queen, the parodies about President Obama, and listen to his message, you will be the best informed citizen on politics there is.
He is not the leader of the Republican Party and he is not running for any office – he is Rush Limbaugh the Entertainer, who happens to be a Republican Conservative.
Amon Louis Kerns
Lehigh Acres