Fishing for red snapper season begins June 1 this year
Anglers should be aware that the open season for catching red snapper in the Gulf has changed. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) reminds anglers that the recreational harvest season for red snapper in Gulf of Mexico waters now takes place from June 1 through Sept. 30.
Previously, the recreational red snapper harvest season opened on April 15 in Gulf state waters, and the season in Gulf federal waters opened on April 21. Now, the recreational harvest season for red snapper in all Gulf waters off Florida does not open until June 1.
Researchers consider Gulf red snapper to be overfished (in the past) and undergoing more overfishing now. A shorter fishing season will reduce the harvest of Gulf red snapper and help rebuild the fishery’s population.
More information regarding the management of Gulf red snapper is available at