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Miller offers reaction to ‘Tax Day’ protest

By Staff | Apr 16, 2009

To The Editor,

I went down to the Fort Myers version of the Tea Party on tax day. I found myself comfortable among all white, mostly middle class folks dressed in red white and blue carrying demands for the media to convey to whoever might do anything about the mess we are in. Signs said TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION and DON’T TREAD ON ME.

Glenn Back of FOX was down at the Alamo taking a stand, like a Joan of Arc, leading her army. As they used to say in California, “We are mad as hell.”

As I observed the crowd and heard the patriotic and religious speeches I realized that most were incited to anger by losing the last election to the other party and seeing all of the awful predictions coming true.

FOX NEWS helped everyone feel good this tax day but the complaints of the young people linger in my mind as they realize that we had it all and spent that and much more in a thoughtless bonanza of borrowing.

The bonanza was enjoyed even more by bankers that relished being turned loose by a careless Congress beginning in 1999 and continuing through 2007 when the Graham Leachy Bill tore down all of the regulations placed on lenders during the Great Depression in 1933. Now people wonder who was behind such a horrible greed infested feeding frenzy.

As much as I hate to cross the faith of my diehard Republican friends, they can find out for themselves by goggling to Senator Phil Graham, former Chair of the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs and look at his achievements. The rat was working for big banks to allow them to deal in derivatives and bundling and his colleague John McCain was right there voting yea.

Then just before leaving the Senate, Graham went to work for pay as a Lobbyist for UBS Bank of Switzerland and soon surfaced as McCain’s economic adviser.

All I can say to disgruntled taxpayers is YOU GOT MAD 10 YEARS TOO LATE. Your two-party politics has let you down, because you wanted to watch TV to decide who to trust. Now the other party is using the crisis to do a permanent favor for world bankers and shackle free enterprise for the foreseeable future. Wake up!

John Miller

Lehigh Acres