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Some 100 plus turn out for Spring Fling

By Staff | Apr 21, 2009

More than 100 guests were served during the Spring Fling Picnic at the Senior Center in Lehigh. Photo by Joan Ferstere

More than 100 people attended the recent Lehigh Acres Senior Center Spring Fling Picnic which was held April 2 on Plaza Drive. An opening prayer was held by President of the Board Ed Bishop. Board director Teresa Perkins welcomed the large crowd to celebrate the new spring season under a pastel canopy.

Vice President and Special Events coordinator Nancy Bartlett directed diners to a buffet of roast chicken, Bartlett’s vegetable noodle salad and more. Fruit pizza was dessert along with pastel candies in fluted cups amid season bouquets, bunnies and baskets of colorful eggs nestling in the green grass.

Surprise entertainment introduced by Bartlett was performed after dinner with the music of Lehigh Medical Center CEO Jose Morillo, guitarist and LMC Information Systems Jeff Hampton on keyboard. The dynamic duo received a standing ovation following the touching Neil Diamond “Sweet Caroline”sing-along.

Card Bingo and many door prizes were awarded during the afternoon event.

You are invited to come to the Senior Center on Plaza Drive for your list of more than 50 weekly events and spring activities or you can call 239-369-5355 for your reservations of boundless fun and recreation, said Joan Ferster, a spokeswoman and member of the Senior Center.