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Requests for help from LCS is up 45% over year

By Staff | Apr 23, 2009

To The Editor,

Lehigh Community Services’ Community Cornerstone is growing. We feel that many of your readers in our community are leaders and we are asking for their support in helping the less fortunate in Lehigh Acres.

With the economy being being in recession, we have had many new clients coming through our doors. Here are some statistics for 2008, between Oct. 1, 2007 and Sept. 30, 2008.

New clients – 862

Families served, food only – 1,902

Harry Chapin food – 19,877 pounds for $1,283.96 maintenance fee.

Families serve, financially only – $39,846.10.

Since October 1, 2008, we have had 482 new clients come throughout door. The need is becoming greater and greater as the year passes by. Our families served this year is up almost 45 per cent compared to last year.

Those helping to sponsor us will be of great help over the course of the year. Get in touch with us at 9 Beth Stacy Blvd., Suite 206. Our phone number is 239-369-5818 and all financial gifts are appreciated.

Charlotte Rae Nicely

Lehigh community Services

Executive Director

Lehigh Acres