The bill passed with a unanimous vote. The companion bill SB 2036 is sponsored by a member of our legislative delegation, Sen. Michael Bennett. I am asking for your support of this legislation to prevent even further economic disaster in our stat."/>
The bill passed with a unanimous vote. The companion bill SB 2036 is sponsored by a member of our legislative delegation, Sen. Michael Bennett. I am asking for your support of this legislation to prevent even further economic disaster in our stat."/> Support sought on bills to solve insurance crisis | News, Sports, Jobs - Lehigh Acres Citizen
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Support sought on bills to solve insurance crisis

By Staff | Apr 23, 2009

There are two bills being proposed during this current legislative session that could be a solution to the property insurance crisis in Florida. The Florida Chamber of Commerce provided testimony in support of HB 1171, known as the “Consumer Choice” bill on April 14 at the House Council on General Government Policy meeting.

The bill passed with a unanimous vote. The companion bill SB 2036 is sponsored by a member of our legislative delegation, Sen. Michael Bennett. I am asking for your support of this legislation to prevent even further economic disaster in our state. Please read on to see how you can help.

Florida’s current homeowner’s system is broken. No major National Company will write homeowner’s policies in Florida. Citizens, once intended to be Florida’s “insurer of last resort,” has become the largest home insurer in the state.

According to state officials, the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund (FHCF), which provides a reinsurance backstop for all homeowners, could be $18-20 billion short in its ability to pay all of our claims in the event of a major storm.

Support sought on bills to solve insurance crisis

By Staff | Apr 23, 2009

To The Editor

There are two bills being proposed during this current legislative session that could be a solution to the property insurance crisis in Florida. The Florida Chamber of Commerce provided testimony in support of HB 1171, known as the “Consumer Choice” bill on April 14 at the House Council on General Government Policy meeting.

The bill passed with a unanimous vote. The companion bill SB 2036 is sponsored by a member of our legislative delegation, Sen. Michael Bennett. I am asking for your support of this legislation to prevent even further economic disaster in our state. Please read on to see how you can help.

Florida’s current homeowner’s system is broken. No major National Company will write homeowner’s policies in Florida. Citizens, once intended to be Florida’s “insurer of last resort,” has become the largest home insurer in the state.

According to state officials, the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund (FHCF), which provides a reinsurance backstop for all homeowners, could be $18-20 billion short in its ability to pay all of our claims in the event of a major storm.

What does that mean?

It means all Florida residents, including you, will be on the hook for this massive “hurricane tax,” when Citizens and the FHCF can’t cover their losses after a major hurricane hits. Worse yet, it could mean that many insurers won’t have the money to repair their customers’ homes.

What is the answer?

Our state officials need to act today to provide a solution. One proposal being considered now is House Bill 1171 sponsored by Rep. Bill Proctor, and Senate Bill 2036 sponsored by Sen. Mike Bennett. These bills would establish “consumer choice,” allowing homeowners to decide if they want to buy a private insurance policy exempt from many of the state’s price controls and assessments. This could improve Florida’s property insurance market.

Communication with our elected representatives regarding the insurance crisis in Florida is a key factor in resolving the problem.

A website has been developed that would allow every Floridian to communicate how they feel regarding the insurance crisis.

You can send your legislator an email by clicking onto the website below.

1.) Use this link

2.) Next enter your 9-digit zip code (i.e. 33625-3817) and click on the submit button.

3.) Select your legislators and the governor or uncheck a box to make the e-mail specific to just one.

4.) Type in your message that you want to send to your legislator.

Below are suggested bullet points you may want to address in your message.

” Let me choose my insurance company and coverage.

” If a company’s rate is too high I will choose another company.

” Let me choose my agent for my insurance.

” I do not want to pay Citizens assessments because they are not charging adequate rates.

” Support the freedom of choice bill Proctor/Bennett bill.

Have your Legislator vote “YES” for “House Bill HB1171 & Senate Bill SB2036”

Teresa Goodlad

Lehigh Acres

Goodlad owns an insurance agency in Lehigh. – Ed.