Community Information night is May 12 in Lehigh
The community is invited on Tuesday night to a Community Information Night concerning the agencies and services that are available to the residents of Lehigh Acres.
It will be held in cafeteria of Lehigh Regional Medical Center at 1500 Lee Blvd and will begin at 5:30 p.m. and last to 7:30 p.m.
The program is being presented by Team Rescue, which includes a number of organizations in Lehigh that helps people with food and money during these difficult economic times. Also represented are organization that provide other services.
Team Rescue is parterning with Lehigh Regional Medical Center and the Community Council of Lehigh Acres to bring the program together.
There will be representatives from many of the local agencies.
Pam Kaye, an assistant director at Lehigh Community Services, which is a part of Team Rescue, said some 38 agencies will be listed in a flier that will be given out to those who attend.
If one member of Team Rescue can not help in one way, it can refer to another member of the large group.
The list includes several agencies from a literacy group that teaches English to those to Hope Hospice and the Dr. Piper Center for Social Services.
Agencies like the Sterling House in Lehigh and American Eldercare Inc. are included on the list.
Kaye said the community is invited to find out more of what is to offer. Some of the agencies that serve Lehigh are not headquartered in Lehigh.
But all these agencies work together to help people find the help they need, Kaye said.
Community Information night is May 12 in Lehigh
The community is invited on Tuesday night to a Community Information Night concerning the agencies and services that are available to the residents of Lehigh Acres.
It will be held in cafeteria of Lehigh Regional Medical Center at 1500 Lee Blvd and will begin at 5:30 p.m. and last to 7:30 p.m.
The program is being presented by Team Rescue, which includes a number of organizations in Lehigh that helps people with food and money during these difficult economic times. Also represented are organization that provide other services.
Team Rescue is parterning with Lehigh Regional Medical Center and the Community Council of Lehigh Acres to bring the program together.
There will be representatives from many of the local agencies.
Pam Kaye, an assistant director at Lehigh Community Services, which is a part of Team Rescue, said some 38 agencies will be listed in a flier that will be given out to those who attend.
If one member of Team Rescue can not help in one way, it can refer to another member of the large group.
The list includes several agencies from a literacy group that teaches English to those to Hope Hospice and the Dr. Piper Center for Social Services.
Agencies like the Sterling House in Lehigh and American Eldercare Inc. are included on the list.
Kaye said the community is invited to find out more of what is to offer. Some of the agencies that serve Lehigh are not headquartered in Lehigh.
But all these agencies work together to help people find the help they need, Kaye said.