First Annual Baby Flea Market is May 23
The first annual Baby Flea Market will be held on Saturday May 23 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Tyler Business Center at 205 Joel Blvd. in Lehigh Acres.
It is a fund-raiser for Destiny diaper Bank which provides free diapers to single months who are having a difficult time in purchasing diapers for the infants, said Rebecca Hines, who heads the program to provide diapers.
Hines said moms and dads may bring clothing for small children that have been outgrown or even baby furniture to sell at the flea market.,
“It’ll help them come up with some needed cash in these hard times,” Hines said.
She is asking that the public bring a package of diapers, any size, to enter to win prices.
Vendors are also being invited and will provide gift certificates to those who attend.
She said young families should bring their own card table or fold-up table to be used to set their items on for sale.
“We’re looking at any type of baby item that a family no longer needs but can be used by another mother who has a small baby or child,” Hines said.
Hines is planning a site in Lehigh where diapers can be picked up by single moms with babies who are having financially hard times.
“Diapers are not cheap and many young moms are having it rough these days. This is why we are beginning the Destiny Diaper Bank in Lehigh. More information will be come later as to the location of the site where diapers may be picked up.
For those who want to reserve a space at the Baby Flea market, they should call 239-549-2130. If someone is not there to take the call, Hines says a message can be left and she will get back with you. She said there is a %15 charge for space for the card table or fold-up table.