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Breeze Newspapers receives awards

By Staff | May 13, 2009

Breeze Newspapers has been recognized in three state and nationwide press

competitions for news and advertising excellence.

Community papers under the Breeze Newspapers umbrella received 15 awards at

the Community Papers of Florida 2009 Awards for Excellence dinner held

recently in Orlando; one award for Most Improved Publication from the

Association of Free Community Papers, and will receive one award from the

Florida Press Association in the 2008 Better Weekly Newspaper Contest.

“The Breeze Newspapers’ mission is to be the primary provider of local news

for the markets we serve,” said Publisher Jack Glarrow. “These awards

recognize the work that is done toward filling that mission. All of us at

the Breeze Newspapers are proud of what we do every day and appreciate the


The Breeze earned eight awards in the CPF competition: two honorable

mentions for news stories written by staff writer Drew Winchester; an

honorable mention for Best Overall for the Cape Coral Visitor’s Guide,

Stephanie Butts; an honorable mention for Best Creative Concept for the Cape

Coral Visitor’s Guide, Stephanie Butts; honorable mention, for full

color/process automotive advertising; honorable mention, for real estate

advertising, full color/process, Chris Lurty; a first place, theme

promotion, and a second place for telemarketing display advertising, Cathy


The Lee County Shopper received one award, a second place, for theme

promotion, Beth Bitte.

The Island Reporter earned a second place for a news story written by

executive editor Jeff Lysiak.

The Fort Myers Beach Observer earned an honorable mention for Best Cover

Design/gloss, Beach Pizazz Fall and Winter 2008; third place for Best

Creative Concept for the Fort Myers Beach Shrimp Festival book; second place

for Best Overall, Fort Myers Beach Shrimp Festival 2008 book; and honorable

Mention for the Fort Myers Beach July 4th Parade Official Program book.

Melissa Schneider was the designer for all of these projects.

The Beach Observer and the Sanibel-Captiva Islander also shared a win, a

third place for Best Overall for the Hurricane Preparedness Guide 2008.

Melissa Schneider was the designer for this book as well.

The Sanibel-Captiva Islander also won a third in the national AFCP

competition. The paper was recognized for its increased emphasis on

community journalism. The judges wrote the paper showed “improved local

flavor with more local names and faces, more color photography.”

Breeze Newspapers has been notified that it will receive an award from the

Florida Press Association for the Wesite Design for the Web site shared by

the Fort Myers Beach Observer and the Beach Bulletin. Awards, including

ranking, will be presented July 11 at the FPA/FSNE Annual Convention to be

held at the Breakers in Palm Beach.