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Of Special Note

By Staff | May 13, 2009

You can post events online

Now you can post your organizational events that are happening in Lehigh Acres. You can post to The Citizen’s Community Calendar. All you have to do is click on the newspaper’s website (Lehighacrescitizen.com) and go to Monthly Calender and click on Submit Events (under the Calendar) and post your event. This is a non-profit site available to club groups and other organizations. For help, you can call The Citizen at 368-3944.

Elks to host dance to Salute the Troops on May 16

The Lehigh Acres Elks are holding a Salute to the Troops Dinner and Dance at their Lodge at 1050 Joel Blvd. The public is invited.

Cocktails are at 6 p.m.; dinner, 7 p.m. Music by the KTones. The cost is $14 per person. The menu includes an Italian Buffet. Come dressed in red, white and blue and casual. For tickets and table reservations, contact Melba McCleave at 303-1866.

Summer Camp 2009 in Alva planned

Don’t be left without a spot in camp. Summer is fast approaching and camps fill early. The Traditional Summer Camp at Alva is open to children ages 6 to 13 years of age. Traditional camp pack a full day of indoor and outdoor activities including: arts and crafts, games, swimming/water days, limited field trips, nutrition, environment, fitness, sports, and much more. Safety is the camp’s No. 1 concern, so the staff to camper ratio is 1:15 or less. Limited to 60 participants per week.

Regular fee $60 – If you register online you paid only $54 per week, which is a 10 percent savings.

Sessions: are June 22 – June 26, June 29 July 2, July 6 July 10, July 13 July 17, July 20 July 24, July 27 July 31, August 3 August 7, August 10 August 14.

The Alva Community Center is located at 21471 N. River Road. Call Sandra at (239)728-2882 for more information. Call 533-7440 or go online at: www.leeparks.org to register today.

Archers meet May 14, 17 and June 7

Lee County Archers are registering new participants. The following events take place at the Nalle Grade County Park Range in North Fort Myers:

Thursday, May 14 at 7 p.m. Monthly membership meeting and 20-Yard Target League.

Sunday, May 17, 3D Archery Shoot at the Nalle Grade County Park in North Fort Myers.The shoot is hosted by the Lee County Archers. A roving field range consisting of 20 3D target stations, and a 14- station N.F.A.A. field course. Sign up 8 a.m.; shotgun at 9 a.m. A $10 shooting fee applies. For more information call Ben Brown in Lehigh Acres at

(239) 369-6212.

On Sunday, June 7, 9 a.m., 900 Round event.

Special program planned by 50+ club

The 50+ club at Christ United Methodist Church in Lehigh will sponsor a covered dish luncheon at noon on Saturday, May 16 at the Fellowship Hall on Homestead Rd. near the corner of Lee Blvd.

Anna Hughes, coordinator of the event, said you should bring your favorite side dish, salad or dessert, along with your plate, utensils and a utensil for your main dish. Meat will be provided, along with beverage and rolls. But you must call 369-9306 or 368-1440 by May 10 so enough meat can be ordered by the group for the event, Hughes said.

Following the luncheon, there will be a program with representatives from Dignity Pre-Planning and Hope Hospice who will also take questions after their brief presentations. Cards and games will follow after the program.

Hughes said volunteers are also needed to help set and serve and to help clean up after the luncheon. For more information, call Hughes 369-5690.

Lehigh Elks offering scholarships

The Lehigh Acres Elks Loge 2602 is offering scholarships to high school seniors who will be attending colleges in 2009/2010 or people who are attending college pursuing an undergraduate degree who live in Lee County.

All applicants must do a 500-word essay on “what one thing would you change about America if you were President today?”

Along with the essay, mail three letters of recommendation, SAT /ACT scores, official transcript of grades and an admissions letter from the school you plan to attend.

Mail this to Lehigh Acres Lodge 2602, 1050 Joel Blvd to the attention of Secretary Office, lehigh Acres, FL., 33936.

All applications must be made completed and postmarked by May 30, 2009.

Saturday breakfast to help capital fund

The First Community Congregational United Church of Christ at 200 Leeland Heights Blvd. has instituted a capital campaign building fund for a new building. Members will serve four breakfast choices every Saturday from 7 a.m. to 10 a.m. The church was the first built in Lehigh and has been active in community affairs ever since. The cost of the break is $5.