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Scam Alert: Ignore anyone calling seniors about $250 stimulus check

By Staff | May 18, 2009

The scammers are at it again; they have taken the $250 stimulus check many seniors qualify for by virtue of receiving Social Security, VA benefits or Railroad benefits.

Scammers will contact you to say you either qualify for additional money or that to qualify you must complete an application form that asks for your social security number and bank information along with other personal data, according to the Lee County Sheriff’s Office today.

Tips To Keep From Becoming A Victim:

-To receive the $250 you DO NOT have to fill out any paperwork or answer any questions. The money will be sent directly to you if you receive Social Security, VA or Railroad Retirement benefits.

-You can not receive any more than $250.

-Remember con-artists are willing to say anything to gain your confidence; hence their name CONifidence-artist.

-The $250 will be sent to you the same way you currently receive your Social Security, SSI, VA or Railroad Retirement benefits. You do not need to do anything!

“Share this information with your family, friends, neighbors, and acquaintances you never know who you may save from losing their hard-earned money. If you are contacted by one of these con-artists and you are not sure what to do contact our Fraud Line for assistance.” says Sheriff Mike Scott.

For assistance call the Sheriff’s Office Fraud Line: 239-477-1242