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Former Sheriff’s deputy is reinstated

By Staff | Jun 1, 2009

Former Lt. Lee Bushong has been reinstated as a sergeant, effective immediately, with thirty days back pay, the Lee County Sheriff’s Office said today.

Bushong was initially demoted for sending a profane e-mail to members of his unit. His appointment was withdrawn after he confronted members of the agency regarding his demotion.

Bushong’s reinstatement comes on the heals of testimony given by Captain Scott Ciresi at a civil service board hearing on May 28, 2009.

At that hearing, it was disclosed for the first time of a comment made by Bushong to then-Major Ciresi. Coupled with ongoing discussions and information revealed between legal counsel in recent weeks, it was determined the disciplinary actions of the Internal Affairs investigations would be amended, Sheriff’s officials said.

Bushong will be assigned to the Patrol Division. Prior to returning to active duty, he will be required to pass a Fitness for Duty evaluation.