June Programs at East County Regional Library
Next month’s roster of activities at East County Regional Library offers topics for all ages. The following activities are free to the public:
English Caf
10 a.m. Tuesdays, June 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
Practice your English in this free informal conversation session for adult ESOL and ESL students. Each 90-minute session provides adult learners a chance to practice speaking English on a variety of everyday situations.
Moving Your Digital Photos in to Your Computer & Beyond!
3 p.m. Thursday, June 11
So you’ve taken a bunch of photos with your new digital camera. Now what? We have just the class for you! You will learn how to copy photos from your camera and save them to your computer and how to improve your not-so-perfect shots before you print or email them (using software that is already on your computer.) Don’t forget to bring your camera and USB connector! Registration is required.
Chess Anyone?
7 p.m. Tuesday, June 16
Rise to the chess challenge and join the fun. Everyone is welcome. Bring a personal chess set if preferred. Sponsored by Friends of the East County Regional Library. Registration is requested.
Baby-Parent Rhyme Time
10 a.m. Saturday, June 13
Be prepared to tickle, jump and fly with your baby! These rhymes and songs are for infants, up to 24 months, accompanied by an adult. This 20-minute program is filled with songs designed to introduce rhyming and movement to infants.
Kids Read Down Fines
4:30 p.m. Wednesday, June 24
Do you have library fines? Take care of them by reading! Children and teens can earn a $2 coupon for every 15 minutes of reading during the allotted time in the designated area of the library. For ages 18 and under.
R.E.A.D. Program Reading to Dogs
11 a.m. Saturday, June 27
Independent readers can practice reading in a fun way! The Reading Education Assistance Dogs will be on hand to listen to you read. They’re great listeners! These pet pals are available to kids of all ages. First come, first served.
Rise to the chess challenge and join the fun. Everyone is welcome. Bring a personal chess set, if preferred. Sponsored by Friends of the East County Regional Library. Registration is requested.
Do you have library fines? Take care of them by reading! Teens can earn a $2 coupon for every 15 minutes of reading during the allotted time in the designated area of the library. For ages 18 and under.
The East County Regional Library is located at 881 Gunnery Road in Lehigh Acres. For more information about a program or to register, please call the library at (239) 533-4200. A sign language interpreter is available with 48-hour notice. Call the Deaf Service Center at (239) 461-0334 (voice) or (239) 461-0438 (TTY). Assistive listening devices are available upon request.
Check the Lee County Library System’s Web site at www.leegov.com/library, or pick up an events calendar on your next visit, to find out about programs at other locations. Call the host library, or Telephone Reference at (239) 479-INFO (4636), for more information about a specific program.