Will union firefighters make any concessions?
To the Editor,
I have read the plan and they (firefighters) are trying to scare us by saying that if two stations (the new ones) close down our insurance premiums are going to go up.
THE PREMIUMS DID NOT CHANGE WHEN THE NEW STATIONS OPENED AND ARE NOT GOING UP IF THOSE TWO STATIONS CLOSE! Now, with that said, we also need to keep in mind that when the big fire happened in 2006, these stations were not open then, either.
The main fear I have is the ambulance service. That is where lives can be lost. Maybe they need to consider closing the new stations but, put the additional ambulance service in the remaining stations.
I ALSO DID NOT SEE ANYWHERE WHERE THEY SAY THAT THEY WILL TAKE A PAY DECREASE TO KEEP THEIR FELLOW FIRE FIGHTERS FROM BEING LAID-OFF. When payroll is 82 percent of your budget, it doesn’t take Einstein to figure out that is where you need to start.
Please DO NOT misunderstand, I know their jobs are extremely important to all of us but, we have all had to make concessions because of this economy and they should not be exempt from having to make them too! I ffel that we should lobby to help them but, only if they are willing to help themselves.
Tami Baker
L.A. Insurance, Inc
Lehigh Acres