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Edison to buy site in LaBelle

By Staff | Jun 17, 2009

The Edison State College Board of Trusteeshave approved the purchase of a 19 acre site in LaBelle.The new center expands Edison State’s longstanding commitment of service to students in Hendry and Glades counties.

“We are very happy that the acquisition of this property will fulfill a part of the college master plan,”said Dr. Kenneth Walker, President of Edison State College. “Education is an important component of economic development and improving the quality of life. We look forward to working with city, county, and public school officials as partners in developing what will become the fourth full service campus of Edison State College.”

Nearly 10 years ago Edison State College began offering college level courses in the LaBelle High School. Since that time the community has asked for a broader variety of classes and services than the current facility can provide.

Dr. Patricia Land will continue to serve as the president of both the new center in LaBelle and as the president of Edison State’s Charlotte Campus.

The buildings and acreage for sale is the Community Christian School just off of Cowboy Way.

The $1.1 millionpurchase will be financed through a gift given to the Edison State College Foundation.Edison State plans to begin offering classes in the new center this fall. The current Hendry/Glades Center serves approximately 500 students each semester.

Edison State College is serves more than 18,000 students infivecounties including campuses in Lee, Collier, Charlotte counties and a center serving Hendry/Glades and many classes are available on-line. For more information,contact Catherine Bergerson, director of communications and Marketing at 239-489-9460 or mbergerson@edison.edu.