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June 19 meeting is to ‘take back Lehigh’

By Staff | Jun 17, 2009

Joey Seda-Morales

To all of the people living here in Lehigh, it’s time we take back our neighborhoods.

People now say that Lehigh is the southwest Florida ghetto. Well, I have lived here for six years after moving from Naples.

When I first moved in, life was good.However, in the past several years, I have seen a terrible change take place, If you are a resident here in Lehigh and care about this community as much as I do, then stop living in fear and take affirmative action.

On Friday night, June 19 at 7 p.m, at Harvest Ministries at 200 Lee blvd., in Lehigh,the sanctuary will be open to all residents of Lehigh for this meeting.

On this night, Larry Gutridge, a crime prevention specialist with the Lee county Sheriff’s Office, along with Kate Eckman from NBC-2 and host Pastor Mark Zemmett and deputies from the Sheriff’s Office will be present.

Our goal on this night is to teach all residents of Lehigh how to take back our beautiful city and make the streets safe to walk again. This will only happen if we as a community pull together and show up to learn what we can do as individuals, families and friends.

We need to have a big turnout. Let’s fill the sanctuary and take the time to participate in cleaning up Lehigh.

We need to drive the criminal element out. the police have shown a very heavy presence, but they need our help.

These men and women work all day and all night, sometimes never taking a break for lunch or dinner, simply because they are constantly looking out for we the people of Lehigh.

So please attend the meeting. Standing alone we can do nothing.

God is on our side. Let’s pull together and take a stand. It’s time for a change and together we can make it happen.

I hope to see all of the residents here willing to take the time to make a positive transformation in Lehigh at this meeting.

The police need all of us to open our eyes and ears and report anything that looks suspicious. Travel in groups, take a cell phone, take a picture of anything that you think is odd or dangerous. Then dial 911. The police will then have a positive ID or at least some information with which to take action.

If you have any questions about this event, please contact me at my email address at Gulfcharmer@aol.com Let’s drive the criminal element out of our town. Let them see for themselves that we mean business and we are going to be victim any more.

Joey Seda-Morales is a resident of Lehigh Acres.

June 19 meeting is to ‘take back Lehigh’

By Staff | Jun 17, 2009

To all of the people living here in Lehigh, it’s time we take back our neighborhoods.

People now say that Lehigh is the southwest Florida ghetto. Well, I have lived here for six years after moving from Naples.

When I first moved in, life was good.However, in the past several years, I have seen a terrible change take place, If you are a resident here in Lehigh and care about this community as much as I do, then stop living in fear and take affirmative action.

On Friday night, June 19 at 7 p.m, at Harvest Ministries at 200 Lee blvd., in Lehigh,the sanctuary will be open to all residents of Lehigh for this meeting.

On this night, Larry Gutridge, a crime prevention specialist with the Lee county Sheriff’s Office, along with Kate Eckman from NBC-2 and host Pastor Mark Zemmett and deputies from the Sheriff’s Office will be present.

Our goal on this night is to teach all residents of Lehigh how to take back our beautiful city and make the streets safe to walk again. This will only happen if we as a community pull together and show up to learn what we can do as individuals, families and friends.

We need to have a big turnout. Let’s fill the sanctuary and take the time to participate in cleaning up Lehigh.

We need to drive the criminal element out. the police have shown a very heavy presence, but they need our help.

These men and women work all day and all night, sometimes never taking a break for lunch or dinner, simply because they are constantly looking out for we the people of Lehigh.

So please attend the meeting. Standing alone we can do nothing.

God is on our side. Let’s pull together and take a stand. It’s time for a change and together we can make it happen.

I hope to see all of the residents here willing to take the time to make a positive transformation in Lehigh at this meeting.

The police need all of us to open our eyes and ears and report anything that looks suspicious. Travel in groups, take a cell phone, take a picture of anything that you think is odd or dangerous. Then dial 911. The police will then have a positive ID or at least some information with which to take action.

If you have any questions about this event, please contact me at my email address at Gulfcharmer@aol.com Let’s drive the criminal element out of our town. Let them see for themselves that we mean business and we are going to be victim any more.

Joey Seda-Morales is a resident of Lehigh Acres.

June 19 meeting is to ‘take back Lehigh’

By Staff | Jun 17, 2009

To all of the people living here in Lehigh, it’s time we take back our neighborhoods.

People now say that Lehigh is the southwest Florida ghetto. Well, I have lived here for six years after moving from Naples.

When I first moved in, life was good.However, in the past several years, I have seen a terrible change take place, If you are a resident here in Lehigh and care about this community as much as I do, then stop living in fear and take affirmative action.

On Friday night, June 19 at 7 p.m, at Harvest Ministries at 200 Lee blvd., in Lehigh,the sanctuary will be open to all residents of Lehigh for this meeting.

On this night, Larry Gutridge, a crime prevention specialist with the Lee county Sheriff’s Office, along with Kate Eckman from NBC-2 and host Pastor Mark Zemmett and deputies from the Sheriff’s Office will be present.

Our goal on this night is to teach all residents of Lehigh how to take back our beautiful city and make the streets safe to walk again. This will only happen if we as a community pull together and show up to learn what we can do as individuals, families and friends.

We need to have a big turnout. Let’s fill the sanctuary and take the time to participate in cleaning up Lehigh.

We need to drive the criminal element out. the police have shown a very heavy presence, but they need our help.

These men and women work all day and all night, sometimes never taking a break for lunch or dinner, simply because they are constantly looking out for we the people of Lehigh.

So please attend the meeting. Standing alone we can do nothing.

God is on our side. Let’s pull together and take a stand. It’s time for a change and together we can make it happen.

I hope to see all of the residents here willing to take the time to make a positive transformation in Lehigh at this meeting.

The police need all of us to open our eyes and ears and report anything that looks suspicious. Travel in groups, take a cell phone, take a picture of anything that you think is odd or dangerous. Then dial 911. The police will then have a positive ID or at least some information with which to take action.

If you have any questions about this event, please contact me at my email address at Gulfcharmer@aol.com Let’s drive the criminal element out of our town. Let them see for themselves that we mean business and we are going to be victim any more.

Joey Seda-Morales is a resident of Lehigh Acres.