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Public meting tonight on fire board budget issues

By Staff | Jun 23, 2009

The special meeting or budget workshop being held by the Lehigh Acres Fire District is scheduled tonight, Tuesday, Nov. 23, at the East Lee High School on Sherwin Ave., a block from the new fire station on the corner of Milwaukee and Bell Blvds.

The meeting begins at 6 p.m. and will be held in the school’s auditorium.

The fire board is facing a financial crisis because lower property taxes will not be coming to the District to finance the new budget which must be passed by Oc. 1. That is due to the lower value of housing during the current economic slowdown.

Layoffs have been announced and more are planned over the next 30 days for firefighters because of the financial situation.

The publlc is encouraged to attend and speak before the fire board concerning the problems. The fire board increased the millage rate to 3 mills last week, but it will no bring in the necessary funding to keep the fire district afloat financially. The 3 mills is the most the board can raise the tax without a special referendum.

Several weeks ago, Fire Chief Don Adams said it would take six or seven mills to maintain the upcoming budget.

The fire board is expected to agree or disagree tonight to an offer put forth by the Community Council of Lehigh Acres which has proposed a six-member blue ribbon panel to help the fire district come up with solutions to the financial problems and shortfall.

The crowd is expected to be large with many firefighters and members of the Lehigh community on hand.