More roadways are resurfaced in Lehigh
Some 25 more roads in Lehigh have been targeted for resurfacing this year – in fact, this month, according to DOT officials.
This brings the total to more than 125 road projects in Lehigh over the last two years, a record number.
Lee County Commissioner Frank Mann visited some of the sites a few days ago to see the work and expressed gratitude to the workers.
“In the midst of all the bad recession news, it’s great to have some good news for the citizens of Lehigh. I am very pleased about the progress of these resurfacing projects. Lehigh residents deserve this attention and I’m glad we’ve been able to respond,” he said.
“We were able to add to the present list out of this year’s road resurfacing budget. With the economic conditions facing Lee county, we were so lucky to have been able to enjoy a lower bid from our road resurfacing contractor which gave us the opportunity to add to our present list,” said Chris Berry, Mann’s executive assistant in an email.
Previously 56 roads were listed in The Citizen for resurfacing. Those streets have been completed and a new list of 25 streets have been added to the list. Many of them are completed and some are underway and should be completed within a few weeks, Mann was told when he came to Lehigh to see the repaving.
The total contract for the work came in at just under a million dollars. Recent bids have been coming in at nearly 25 percent lower than similar bids just one year ago, Mann said.
The “add-ons” include the following streets in Lehigh:
Paulcrest Ave. from Alabama Rd. S. to Patio St.; Patio St., from Paulcrest Ave. to Pecan Ave. and on Pecan Ave., from Pennsfield St. to Patio St.
On 36th St SW from Meadow Rd. to E-EOP; Curtis Ave. S, from 29th ST SW to S-EOP; 13th St. SW from Joan Ave S. to E-EOP; 2nd St. SW, from Joan Ave. S. to W- EOP; 3rd ST SW, from Terry Ave. S. to W-EOP; 6th St. SW, from Terry Ave S to W-EOP; Quintin Ave. S., from 28th St. SW to 24h ST SW.
Anita Ave., from 28th SW to N-EOP; 59th ST W., from Sally Ave. N. to W-EOP.
Lakeridge Blvd, from Ridgemont Drive to Greenbriar Blvd; Sable Court, from Ridgemont Drive to S-EOP; Welby Lane, from Ridgemont Drive to Greenbriar Blvd., Raber Court, from Sanborn Drive to N-EOP.
Mill St., from Sanborn Drive to Ridgemont Drive; Viewpoint Drive, from Spartan Ave. to Ocean Park Drive; Mercer Ave., from Viewpoint Drive to Ocean Park Drive; Wilcox Court, from Viewpoint Drive to N-EOP.
Whitman Court, from Whittman Ave. to E-EOP; Leroy Ave., from E19th St. to E 18th St.; Roosevelt Ave., from E. 13th St. to S-EOP; Colmbus Blvd., from SR82 to Nimitz Blvd; and Abbott Ave, from E. 7th St. to N-EOP.
Mann said a million dollars is spent a year on improvements to Lehigh roadways.
“We expected the bids to be higher and they came in considerably lower so we would be able to add to the project,” Mann said. The project has taken 16 months of work, he said.