Lehigh Acres residents plan to set up Neighborhood Watch
The plans are in the making to launch an all out Neighborhood Watch group for the residents of the Indian Village subdivision off of Alabama Rd. in Lehigh Acres.
“The goal of this meeting is to teach all residents of Lehigh Acres how to ‘Take Back Our Beautiful Community of Lehigh Acres,’ and make the streets safe to walk again. This will only happen if we as a community pull together and shows up to learn what we can do as individuals, families, friends and business people,” said organizer Robert Anderson.
This effort needs a big turn-out to fill the main conference room at the Microtel Inn on Business Way on July 7 at 7 p.m., he said.
“Please take time to help find ways to participate in cleaning up Lehigh. Through the Sheriff’s ‘Weed and Seed’ program or a Neighborhood Watch, the hope is to drive out the criminal element in Lehigh Acres,” he said.
“Getting to know your neighbors,” is the top advice from Lee County Sheriff’s Office.
Larry Gutridge, Lee Sheriff’s Bravo District crime prevention specialist will be the main speaker that night and several local business have give door prizes for the event.
For more information, contact Larry Gutridge at (239) 477-1000.