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Lehigh man charged with capital sexual battery

By Staff | Jul 6, 2009

Brett Neal Cluck

Lee County Sheriff’s investigators have charged a Lehigh Acres man with kidnapping and capital sexual battery that they claim involved a girl under the age of 12. Sheriff’s officials identified the accused as Brett Neal Cluck, 34, of SW11th St. After being arrested, he was jailed and remained in custody Sunday.

According to the Sheriff’s Office, Cluck was at the home of a friend Friday night and asked if he could stay there overnight because he said he had too much to drink.

Sheriff’s officials said that in the early morning hours of Saturday sometime after 3 a.m., he is accused of going into the girl’s bedroom and covering her mouth and taking her to his red Mercury car and driving to his home.

Investigators said is is accused of sexually battering the young girl. According to the report, she was told not to say what had happened or he would kill her or her sibling. Investigators said the girl was taken back to her home by the accused.