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Lehigh man charged with sexual battery of friend’s daughter

By Staff | Jul 6, 2009

Brett Neal Cluck

A Lehigh Acres man has been arrested and charged with kidnapping and capital sexual battery after an alleged incident involving a girl younger than 12.

Brett Neal Cluck, 34, of Southwest 11th Street in Lehigh, was being held without bond tonight in the Lee County Jail.

According to Larry King, sheriff’s office spokesman, Cluck reportedly was playing video games and drinking at the home of a longtime friend Friday night, and asked if he could spend the night on the couch because he had too much to drink.

Sometime after 3 a.m. Saturday, the suspect allegedly entered the victim’s bedroom, placed his hand over the girl’s mouth and carried her to his car, taking her to his residence, according to the report.

There, Cluck allegedly sexually battered the girl and told her not to tell anyone or he’d kill her or her sibling, the report said. The suspect then drove the girl back to her residence before he returned home, according to the report.