Jackpot Junction opens in Lehigh

Julie Beck
Janice Schwanzer held up around $250 in gift cards after leaving the newest arcade in Lehigh, Jackpot Junction, which is located at 3020 Lee Blvd., next to Lozano’s restaurant. It has been open for several weeks. Schwanzer said she enjoys playing at the new arcade and comes in most day. “Sometimes I win and sometimes I don’t,” she said. “It’s something I really enjoy.”
The new arcade is the newest of several in the area and is the largest with some 80 gaming machines in eastern Lee County, says its owner and operator Julie Beck. They recently opened and Beck says already the players who come and spend time there are calling it their home away from home. And rightly so, in the back is a large fridge with sodas and water and next to it, a large table with all kinds of snacks and in a slow cooker filled with plenty of hotdogs that are all free to the public.
Beck said more than 120 people turned out for their recent grand opening.
The inside is filled with comfortable chairs and gaming machines. They are not slot machines and they don’t dump money to winners. These are casino-like machines, many different types that pay off in points which are translated into money on gift cards.
“I enjoy coming in here most days and I gather my winnings up in the gift cards and buy all my groceries with them,” Schwanzer said. “The arcade is fun and something I love doing.”

MEL TOADVINE Janice Schwanzer shows the many gift cards she has won at the new Jackpot Junction in the few weeks it has been open. She said she uses the winning gift cards to pay for groceries. "It' a fun way to spend an afternoon at the arcade," she aid.
“And they’ve always got something to eat and they keep encouraging you to come back to their table will with snacks,” she said.
The new arcade is open seven days a week, from Monday to Thursday from 10 a.m.to 10 p.m. and on Friday and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 11 p.m. and on Sunday from 11 a.. to 10 p.m. Children are not allowed inside the arcade.
Beck is more than happy to explain how the gaming machines works for new visitors. From the card, players earn or lose points. They can win big, just like in the casinos, and those points are added to their card. They can cash in their cards or hold them until they come back. The cards are for Publix and Walmart and Visa.
State law requires winnings to be paid off in gift cards in the new arcades that are becoming a popular way to spend an afternoon for a lot of people.
There are three arcades in Lehigh, Beck said, and probably 15 to 20 in Cape coral and another 30 or more in North Fort Myers.

MEL TOADVINE Helen Butler comes five days a week to the new Jackpot Junction Arcade on Lee Blvd. in Lehigh. "I enjoy it here; it's a lot of fun for me," she said. She is shown here at one of her favorite machines. She says she might spend $20 each day and sometimes she wins and sometimes she breaks even.
“The people here in Lehigh like to stay in Lehigh and play. We have a steady list of players and more are coming in each day. It’s becoming like a family. We all get to know each other and when someone wins, we all cheer,” Beck said.
“We had someone win $750 already in gift cards,” Beck said. “Boy was she happy.”
“You can win up to $6,000 on some of these machines,” she said.
“And on some of the machines that pay off the larger points, the bells ring and we get photos of the winners. We make a big deal out of it,” Beck said.
“A lot of people call our machines here at the arcade video slots. Under Florida law, it is not considered gambling, but a place to play games on a machine and earn points. It comes under the state’s redemption law.”

MEL TOADVINE The new Jackpot Junction Arcade is one of the largest in eastern Lee County. The machines pay off in gift cards, not money like in casinos.
They’re planning to join the Chamber of Commerce and have a ribbon cutting soon.
“Oh we want everyone to know that we host private parties here, too. If someone wants to rent to entire room for a birthday party, a retirement party or whatever, we can work with them,” she said.
for more information, contact Julie Beck via email at Jackpot.junction@yahoo.com of you can phone her at 303-JACK (5225).
“A lot of people come in to play with maybe $20. Instead of going to a movie or lunch, they take their money and use it for entertainment. That’s what we are all about, just having fun in here. The people enjoy playing.
“You can watch them and their eyes light up when they start winning points. They really get excited,” Beck said.
Each night is a theme night wit Tuesday being Ladies Day with a $6 match in cash for the ladies and $5 match for men. On Thursday night, it’s just the opposite, the men get a $6 match and the women get a $5 match.
On Friday, they have dinner at 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. with a $5 card match and there are random ticket drawings.
On Sundays, they have what they call ice cream sundae socials from 1 to 3 p.. and they have mega matches for $5.
“That puts $13 on your card,” Beck said.
“This is all about fun ,” Beck said. “On Oct. 31, we’re asking everyone to come in costume because we’re going to have a contest. All of Lehigh is welcome to stop by.”
- MEL TOADVINE Janice Schwanzer shows the many gift cards she has won at the new Jackpot Junction in the few weeks it has been open. She said she uses the winning gift cards to pay for groceries. “It’ a fun way to spend an afternoon at the arcade,” she aid.
- MEL TOADVINE Helen Butler comes five days a week to the new Jackpot Junction Arcade on Lee Blvd. in Lehigh. “I enjoy it here; it’s a lot of fun for me,” she said. She is shown here at one of her favorite machines. She says she might spend $20 each day and sometimes she wins and sometimes she breaks even.
- MEL TOADVINE The new Jackpot Junction Arcade is one of the largest in eastern Lee County. The machines pay off in gift cards, not money like in casinos.