Of Special Note this week
Luncheon, card party set at St. Anselms
St. Anselms Episcopal Church on Joel Blvd. and 6th St. in Lehigh is inviting residents to attend a luncheon and card party from noon to 3 p.m. on Oct. 21. Tickets are $5. Call Salma at 368-2862 or Perlyn at 369-9562 for tickets which can also be purchased at the door.
Hlloween Dinner/Dance on Saturday, Oct. 24.
A Halloween Dinner and Dance is planned Oct. 24
by the Lehigh Elks Loge at 1050 Joel Blvd. Cocktails are at 6 p.m. with dinner at 7 p.,m. Music will be provided by the K-Tones. Menu consist of chicken breast and the “fixings.” Members of the Elks say come dressed in your Halloween costume.
There will be prizes for the bet costume in the following categories: scariest, funniest, and most original. The price for the dinner and dance is $14 per person. Call Melba McCleave at 303-1866 for tickets.
Free music lessons available in Lehigh
Free music lessons including guitar, bass, drums, vocals, keyboard and piano are available at the Second Chances Christian Bookstore at 1303 Homestead Rd.N in Lehigh Acres. Learn from local musicians and earn certificates and freebies as you
progress. You can contact the book store at 239-810-8807. The website is: www.secondchanceschristianbookstore.com