OSHA is asking every contractor to stop work for one hour on this date to talk to employees about crane safety.

The Florida Crane Safety Alliance was signed in February 2009. As a result of this alliance, a committee was formed to address hazards related to cranes. This committee is working on developing four training awareness modules related to crane safety.

Before introducing the first module, OSHA has planned a crane stand-down."/>
OSHA is asking every contractor to stop work for one hour on this date to talk to employees about crane safety.

The Florida Crane Safety Alliance was signed in February 2009. As a result of this alliance, a committee was formed to address hazards related to cranes. This committee is working on developing four training awareness modules related to crane safety.

Before introducing the first module, OSHA has planned a crane stand-down."/> OSHA sets crane safety hour Nov. 4 | News, Sports, Jobs - Lehigh Acres Citizen
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OSHA sets crane safety hour Nov. 4

By Staff | Oct 29, 2009

Florida’s first “Crane Safety Stand-Down” is scheduled for Nov. 4 from 7 to 8 a.m.
OSHA is asking every contractor to stop work for one hour on this date to talk to employees about crane safety.
The Florida Crane Safety Alliance was signed in February 2009. As a result of this alliance, a committee was formed to address hazards related to cranes. This committee is working on developing four training awareness modules related to crane safety.
Before introducing the first module, OSHA has planned a crane stand-down. Tips on how to conduct the stand-down also were developed and are available to interested employers. (See the PDF with this story.)