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Keep Halloween safe; here are some tips from Sheriff’s Office

By Staff | Oct 30, 2009

From the Lee County Sheriff’s Office:

Don’t let this Halloween turn into a nightmare. The Lee County Sheriffs Office wants to remind motorists to be safe, sober drivers.

Halloween is a time for scary costumes and family fun trick or treating. Unfortunately, it has also become a very dangerous and deadly night due to impaired driving. Although fatalities are down in Lee County, the Sheriffs Office Traffic Unit wants to remind citizens to keep their guard up. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, fifty-eight percent (58%) of all highway fatalities across the nation on Halloween night involved a driver or motorcycle rider with a Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) of .08 or higher, which is illegal in every state. That total is up from forty-four percent (44%) in 2007.

For a safer Halloween weekend, the Lee County Sheriff’s Office recommends some of these simple tips:

Pedestrians should travel in groups along well lit areas.

Pedestrians should wear reflective clothing or carry something luminous.

Costumes should fit properly and not limit field of vision.

Drivers should plan a safe way home before festivities begin.

Before drinking, please designate a sober driver and give that person your keys.

If you’re impaired, use a taxi or call a sober friend or family members to get home safely.

If you happen to see a drunk driver on the road, don’t hesitate to contact local law enforcement.

More safety rules are available on the Sheriff’s Office website at www.sheriffleefl.org in the News section (see the “Halloween Safety Tips” press release dated 10/26/09).

Have a happy and safe Halloween.