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Annual book sale raises $7,000 for Cape library

By Staff | Nov 9, 2009

As the hours wound down on Saturday, it became apparent to Bob Novander that the book sale would indeed yield positive results.
The second sale of the year for the Friends of the Cape Coral Library raised at least $7,000 according Novander, an improvement from the first sale in April that raised nearly $6,500.
“Its been excellent,” Novander said. “I think its been better than normal, because people are looking for bargains. Some are looking for gifts for Christmas.”
All proceeds from the sale go to benefit the Cape Coral Library.
Novander said all the books for sale are donated.
Some of the books trickle in three and four at a time while others are donated in bulk, the result of an estate finding its way to the library after someone passes away.
Sales are equally tricky. Someone might come in and pick up just a handful of their favorite titles, while a book dealer might come in and buy several hundred books at once.
At the heart of the book sale, though, are the incredible bargains, which makes the sale a perennial favorite.
“Someone can buy a book here for two dollars instead of buying it at Barnes and Noble for thirty bucks,” Novander said.
The Friends of the Cape Coral Library are still looking for new members.
For more information of the Friends of the Cape Coral Library, visit their Web site at: www.capefriends.org or call their hotline at 477-5100.