Of Special Note
Luncheon, card party set at church
A luncheon and card party is set for Wednesday, Nov. 11, Veterans Day, at the First Community Congregational United Church of Christ Church at 200 Leeland heights Blvd from noon to 3 p.m.
The cost is $6. Single players are welcome and board games are available. There will be door prizes and a 50/50 raffle. Tickets available at the door or call 369-2558, said Betty J. Stickle, a spokeswoman with the luncheon and card party.
Knights of Columbus dinner, dance is Dec. 12
The Ladies Auxiliary of St. Raphael’s Knights of Columbus will hold its annual Christmas Dinner and Dance at Majestic Golf Club on Dec. 12. The cocktail hour will begin at 6 p.m. and dinner will be buffet style and will start at 7 p.m. Music will be provided by David Dean. Baskets will be raffled off. Cost of the dinner and dance is $20 per person. Contact Micheline Crispin at 369-2795 for tickets and more information.
VFW hosting Veterans Day ceremonies
Byron W. Catherwood Memorial VFW Post 4174 of Lehigh Acres is hosting this year’s Veterans Day observance.
This ceremony will be held at Lehigh Acres Veterans Park a 11 a.m. on Nov. 11. All veteran groups have been invited and many will participate in the ceremonies. The Veterans Day ceremony is opened to the public.
Hope Hospice volunteer training planned
Hope Hospice will offer volunteer orientation at its office located at 25 Homestead Road North, Suite 35 in Lehigh Acres on Thursday, November 12 from 9 a.m. to 4:430 p.m. A light breakfast and lunch
will be provided.
Volunteers are needed for many tasks including patient support, transportation, and office. Volunteers with Spanish language skills are also
No experience is necessary. A volunteer application, interview, and criminal background check need to be completed prior to the first class. To apply, call (239) 489-9180.
Church honors American vets
On Sunday, November 8, the Lehigh Acres Church of the Nazarene hosted two identical patriotic services (9 and 11 a.m.) to recognize and honor American Veterans.
These simple services included the singing offamiliar patriotic songs, the public recognition ofall American Veterans present, and a patriotic message from Pastor Steve Cecil.
All Veterans and their families in the area were encouraged to attend. The church is located at 210 Lee Blvd., Lehigh.
Learn ways to quit smoking
Quit Smoking Now is a free six-session community health promotion program to will help people to quit smoking and quit spitting chewing tobacco, said Cherie Hein, a spokeswoman with the Everglades Area Health Education Center.
There will be free nicotine replacement therapy, gum, patches and lozenges for those that are eligible.
It will be held at various location in Lee County. for dates, information and to register, call 877-819-2357. This program is being sponsored by the Everglades Area Health Education Center.
Session for adoptive parents planned Nov. 21
Adoption 101 Children’s Home Society presents this seminar/workshop for prospective adoptive parents on Nov. 21 from 2-4 p.m. The event will be held at Nova Southeast University, 3650 Colonial Court in Fort Myers in conference room 108. For more information call 687-9965 or visit CHSFL.org.