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Sunday procession to honor the Divine Virgin of Providence

By Staff | Nov 28, 2009

The Hispanic congregation at St. Andrew Catholic Church will hold a procession Sunday afternoon in honor of the Divine Virgin of Providence, the patron of Puerto Rico.

Fifty local children wearing native costumes of Puerto Rico will walk from the church to the auditorium at St. Andrew Catholic School waving flags at 1:30 p.m. The children and members of the congregation will enjoy food and refreshments with dancing and singing.

“These are children who attend the Hispanic Mass at 1:30 p.m.,” said Carlos Espendez, who collects donations for the church. “Once in awhile we have a celebration for different countries. The last one was in honor of Cuba.”

Father Remigious Ssekiranda, who leads every Spanish Mass, will serve as officiate of Sunday’s procession

Espendez said there were be a lot of people attending the procession.

“The Hispanic population of Cape Coral has grown tremendously over the last 10 years and more people are being part of the church and attending the 1:30 p.m. Masses every Sunday, which are held in Spanish,” he said.

The general public is invited to experience the celebration in honor of the Divine Virgin of Providence, which Espendez said is another name for the Virgin Mary.

“We have a very good congregation of hardworking people who are part of our church and working so much to bring peace and unity to the community,” he said.

The congregation encourages all participants of the procession or Spanish Mass to bring in food each Sunday to help needy families in Cape Coral.