MPO public hearing is Dec. 18
The Lee County Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) will hold a public hearing on Dec. 18, 2009 to consider the endorsement of FDOT’s draft Tentative Work Program for FY 2010/2011 through FY 2014/2015.
The Lee MPO Board will conduct a public hearing addressing the Florida Department of Transportation’s (FDOT) Draft Tentative Work Program that covers FY 2010/2011 through FY 2014/2015. FDOT staff will present the draft tentative work program for District One for public comment and the Lee MPO Board will review the Lee County Tentative Work Program for consideration of endorsement. The Tentative Work Program includes state or federally funded highway, aviation, transit, bicycle/pedestrian, rail, transportation disadvantaged and transportation planning projects in Lee County.
The meeting will be held on December 18, 2009 at 9 a.m. at the Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council’s office, 1926 Victoria Avenue in Fort Myers.
Written comments received by the end of the business day on Thursday December 17, 2009 will be distributed to the MPO members at the hearing and made part of the public hearing record.
The agenda for the MPO meeting can be reviewed by accessing the MPO’s website at under meetings. Copies can also be requested from the MPO’s office by mail or pick-up (call (239) 338-2550 Ext. 238). Written comments may be submitted by e-mail to, faxed to (239)338-2560 or delivered to 1926 Victoria Avenue, Fort Myers, FL 33901.